Prokopyevsk Mining and Design Institute


Hard coal


Hard coal is the product of a complex process of metamorphosis of plant remains and peat bogs. The active process of coal formation occurs under strong rock pressure, at high temperatures, and in complete absence of oxygen. Afterwards, the final product begins to decompose even more, it loses a lot of water and hardens. The product that we can see in the end of this complex metamorphosis process: deposits of graphite, talc, or anthracite.

The stage of peat bog formation is considered one of the most important, because it determines the structure of the final product - coal. The key role here is played by the type of plant, as well as the specific properties of water and soil.

Coal is one of the most popular types of minerals deposited deep underground. It was formed millions of years ago. Coal is mined by manual or semi-mechanized methods in coal mines.

Coal is an excellent fuel, but apart from that, it is also actively used in other areas:

• in the household. In order to obtain sulfur and graphite
• in metallurgy. For production of iron and steel

The uniqueness of hard coal lies in the ratio of its components. This unique feature allows it to emit heat during combustion. This is the reason why the mineral has been popular for many centuries.

Coal mining is a labor-intensive, resource-intensive and energy-intensive process that harms the environment of our country. The team of Prokopyevsk Mining and Design Institute has been protecting the environment not only in Kuzbass, but also far beyond it, for many years. This makes it possible to successfully produce large quantities of coal without damaging the environment. 

Prokopyevsk Mining and Design Institute protects the environment without damage to the business.